Protecting Our Rad Planet

A man and woman ride Radster Trails on a rural, grassy trail.

When you’re an electric bike company, every day is Earth Day.

That’s because for every car-replacement mile a rider racks up, it ends up cutting their carbon footprint by about 400 grams of CO2 — roughly the equivalent of burning a half pound of coal.

That may not seem like a lot at first glance, but as North America’s largest ebike brand, we have over 650,000 riders globally. 

If each person chooses to ride instead of drive for just 50 miles each year, that adds up to the carbon equivalent of 14,326,996 pounds of coal, 172 tanker trunks of gasoline, or 30,098 barrels of oil – each and every year! 

And hey, considering that we have loads of riders who’ve used their ebikes to completely replace their cars, we’re probably looking at much bigger numbers than that.

But Rad is about more than just equipping folks with clean and accessible transportation. Here’s what else we’re doing for our big, Rad planet:

Recycling Ebike Batteries

Two technicians in a recycling plant at work dismantling ebike batteries.

Last year, Rad Power Bikes kicked off a first-of-its-kind ebike battery recycling program with our friends at Redwood Materials. 

To date, we’ve collected 13,559 pounds worth of batteries – 95% of which can be recycled and reused in next-generation batteries. 

That means we’ve prevented 5.8 metric tons of batteries from ending up in landfills, which is the equivalent of 13 grand pianos!

While we recycle Rad batteries through all U.S. RadRetail stores, Canadian riders still have an opportunity to pitch in.

Simply drop it off at RadRetail Vancouver for recycling through Call2Recycle.

Fun Fact: Last year alone, our Canada team collected over 293 batteries!


Cutting Down on Waste 

We’re constantly on the lookout for ways to cut down on waste in our packaging, and this year, we’ve made a huge leap! 

For our new lineup, we’ve reduced non-recyclable packaging materials by 750 pounds per 1,000 bikes.

Here’s what that looks like:

A Before and After photo displaying the amount of non-recyclable ebike packaging waste. The 2021 amount is notably larger than the 2024 amount.

Protecting the Ebike Revolution

A close-up of a Safe Shield Battery on a blue bike in a dark studio setting.

19 years ago, our founder cobbled together his first ebike in his parent’s garage. Since then, Rad Power Bikes has been on a non-stop mission to introduce more people to the life-changing benefits of electric bikes. 

As the pioneers of the ebike revolution, we don’t want to see anything slow it down. That’s why when we noticed it was under threat, we developed something that won’t just protect the micromobility movement, but send it into absolute overdrive.

According to The Verge, “as electric bikes become more popular in the US, the risk of deadly fires stemming from cheaply made batteries has become an unfortunate side effect that risks derailing the momentum of an important climate change fighting tool.”

Our response to these growing concerns? Safe Shield Batteries

While our bikes and batteries have always used high-quality cells and met strict safety standards, we wanted to push the industry forward with a new product that provides ultimate peace of mind. 

Safe Shield Batteries feature thermal-resistant technology for an extra layer of safety, whether it’s on or off your ebike.

Each cell is wrapped in a unique heat-absorbing resin that can effectively stop the spread of a localized thermal event, and can even extinguish it. 

Want to learn more? Check out these five reasons we’re getting charged up about these new UL Certified batteries. 

Help us celebrate Earth Day! For every ebike we sell, we’ll plant a tree through the National Forest Foundation — now through 4/24.

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