Baustin Pedicab Keeps Austin Rad

Baustin Pedicab Keeps Austin Rad

Austin, Texas, is well-known for its quirky arts community, stellar Tex-Mex, and a vibrant music scene that’s the envy of the world.


With so many locals and visitors alike trying to navigate Austin’s bustling nightlife, it's no surprise that the city is also a hub for pedicab companies. Among them is Baustin Pedicab, which was launched by Stephen Hatgis, a 52 year-old Rad rider from Boston, Massachusetts. 


Hatgis discovered Rad Power Bikes after a life-changing accident left him unable to ride for long periods of time on his usual bike. As he tells it, it was an instant match.


These days, Hatgis shuttles people around town on his RadBurro, something that lets him combine his passion for riding with his background as a chauffeur.


"It allows me to take on those hills, continue riding, and spend the day out on my bike enjoying myself," Hatgis told us. "I’ve enjoyed every single moment on it."




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