Take the 10 Before 10 Challenge

Take the 10 Before 10 Challenge

You’re not going to believe this, but for a lot of our riders, their morning commute is the best part of their day.

We know that sounds strange. After all, nobody’s supposed to like their commute, right? There’s nothing fun about sitting in traffic or rushing out the door to catch the bus.

But when your commute includes an electric bike, suddenly it all starts to make sense. Not only are you able to squeeze in some fresh air before a long day at the office, but with a motor at your feet, you can pull off a 10 mile ride and not feel completely wiped out before you’ve had your first cup of coffee. 

While not as many of us are commuting these days, there's still nothing like an early morning ride. That's why we're inviting the Rad Family to seize their day by taking our new 10 Before 10 challenge! 

So what does that mean? Well, that's up to you. Similar to how we make bikes for every kind of ride, this is a challenge designed for every kind of rider


10 Miles Before 10 A.M.  

A woman rides a RadMission down a rural road.

Interested in giving your morning a kickstart? We challenge you to rack up 10 miles on your Radometer before 10 a.m. each day for five days straight!

If you really want to lead the pack, you can take it one step further: keep your pedal assist at level one. (And okay, maybe two on the hills.) 


10 Miles Per Week Before 10 A.M. 

A father rides a RadWagon electric cargo bike with his children out of his driveway.

 Sure, you may want to get 10 miles in each morning, but we all know that sometimes there's just too much to do, whether that's taking the dog out, making breakfast for the kids, or being on time for that early morning virtual meeting. 

That's totally fine. Set your sights on 2 miles before 10 A.M. for five days. You'll get the blood rushing before you tackle whatever the day throws at you. 


10 Minutes Before 10 A.M. 

A group of Rad Power Bikes riders in a bike lane.

 Okay, we're not all morning people.  

If you jumped on your bike, but just aren't feeling up to a full ride, just try giving yourself 10 minutes in the saddle. That's all we ask. Who knows, maybe it'll perk you up and inspire you to push for the full 10 miles!


Join the Club 

A Rad Power Bikes rider looks at his route on his phone.

 Ever heard of Strava? Join the Club! No, seriously… there’s a club!

Rad Power Bikes has created a Club on Strava where our community of Rad Riders can interact, track routes, share progress, engage with peers, and stick to their riding goals.   

And if you're taking the 10 Before 10 Challenge, we'd love to hear about it. Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter and tag us with #RideRad to share your wins with the entire Rad Family! We might even reward a few lucky high-mileage clubbers ... :wink:


Riders should consider their physical abilities before deciding which challenge they take on. Don't ride in conditions that exceed your or your bike’s ability.

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